Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Food Power

Food prices and food scarcity are global problems like over-population, infectious diseases, climate change, air and water pollution, mega-corporations and WAR. We will continue to be plagued with these problems until we begin to think like a globally-connected race and start working together globally to solve our global problems. These problems will continually re-emerge in different areas with increasing intensity. Welcome to the 21st Century!

Economics driven by bottom-line decisions aimed at making short term profits without looking at long-term solutions control governments and rules the world. This is not the forum to solve global long-term problems. Only by open worldwide communication and the refusal of us all to support the mega-entities that control the world can we begin to think like World Citizens and work together on world problems.

While people around the world suffer with food shortages and high food costs there are the elite few who are grinning wildly and soaking up massive power and profits for themselves. Our global economics control governments and government policy around the world. And the global economy is controlled by mega-corporations. And the mega-corporations are run strictly on bottom line logic with no appreciation, consideration or support for long-term sustainability. That is a fact driven by the desires of corporate officers, corporate boards and stockholder investors. Make money. The other aspect of their management decisions is to create a sustained and growing consumer base to buy their goods (whether it is good for the consumer or not).

However in our globally connected world, these decisions affect every person on the planet. Locally produced and controlled goods and services are anathema to the corporate goals. Thus around the world, the World Bank, WTO and other industry driven entities work very hard to break local markets and force people and countries into the global bottom-line driven economy.

And these entities will never willingly give up their power and stranglehold. The only way that we the people of Earth will break this system is for all of us to dedicate our dollars and minds to local sustainable non-corporate food alternatives as much as we possibly can. Even if local prices are higher, we will all save in the long-run. Wal-Mart ‘lowest price policy’ eventually leads to ‘only price policy’. If we don’t return to local focus, we will lose our options and choices and ultimately our freedom. Food is one of our most basic needs. Control of food is control of life. Making responsible decisions for our food is our best approach to break this oppressive history. And awareness cultured by way of global communication is our strongest ally.

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