Sunday, November 22, 2009

What are we thinking--- Nevada water contamination

How many times will this have to happen before we realize that water is paramount, that we must revere and worship our water, that we are walking water, and that money should never trump water and water quality. When we as humans come to this basic conceptualization that water is us and that water connects us to all life, our environmental problems will begin to lessen. And this reverence for water will bring us to the conceptualization that we are all connected and our problems with hate and violence among humans will begin to lessen.

A very basic change in conceptualization will change the world!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Forever Bound

Nuclear is forever (at least compared to our lives). Los Alamos is a toxic legacy for the foreseeable future. Nuclear materials are never safe. Water is our most precious resource. Water is us. Nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons will be the toxic legacy of our century for millennia to come. The sooner we realize this, the brighter the outlook for future generations. Our present course leaves death and destruction in our wake.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Bright Future

Surely Graham is going for his interests, which typically amounts to more money and power to his supporters. Politics plays politics and we see how his interests come into the mix of the solutions that we are offered. This is the nature of politics and because of the dominance of economics in our political compromising discussions nearly every option we see supports money and power in the background. Actually that is the very heart of our political process and it is the crux of our inability to legislate options that further our universal common interests.

That said, nuclear power is by far our most insidious choice for generating electricity. As documented in the article it really only exists as an option for us because of the billions of dollars of subsidies that it has received. Though the actual dangers to the present environment from operating nuclear plants may appear rather low, (however, have you seen Chernobyl Heart ?), the legacy of deadly toxic radioactive wastes (some for more than 200,000 years), and the pollution of our water from extraction, processing and operations are passed off to future generations.

And isn’t it really our purpose in time and place to leave a better world for our children? Considering that human history has consisted of warring and fighting throughout, and our present world situation brings hate and warfare to entirely new more macabre levels, how can we reasonably leave deadly toxic materials (which we have no means of safe permanent storage and disposal –despite Graham’s efforts to legislate such) as a legacy for future generations to manage and safeguard? Judging from history, these wastes will be a toxic legacy that will feed new wars and conflicts seemingly forever (unless of course nuclear materials are used to deaden life on the planet).

The solution? Localized renewable energy sources supplemented with electricity from major renewable electricity generation plants situated in locations ideal for the energy source. One problem that comes to mind with such a plan is that it largely frees consumers from paying money to an energy company. I have generated 90% of my electricity from solar for the past 20 years and have not paid a single electricity bill. You can do it. We can do it. But the econ-politics (including Graham) must be removed to make way for a bright future.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Water for Kids

Very sad that we treat our children with such disrespect. We create and use items and materials with toxic qualities. We spew our wastes all around us. Alternatives exist but they are not 'economically' feasible. Our choices are shaped by paths of profit.

As the article reports:

An Associated Press investigation found that contaminants have surfaced at public and private schools in all 50 states — in small towns and inner cities alike.

Experts and children's advocates complain that responsibility for drinking water is spread among too many local, state and federal agencies, and that risks are going unreported. Finding a solution, they say, would require a costly new national strategy for monitoring water in schools.

"There is just no excuse for this. Period," said California Sen. Barbara Boxer, Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. "We want to make sure that we fix this problem in a way that it will never happen again, and we can ensure parents that their children will be safe."

The problem is everywhere. It will only get worse as more of the residuals from the profit driven sputum make their way into our shared time and globe spanning water systems. The solution is global coordination with policy and action... coordination that insures a clean healthy world for our progeny rather than marketplace wealth... coordination where water trumps profits. That is how you guarantee that this will not happen again, Senator Boxer.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Energy Wars and Destruction

At heart this problem is the result of economics. We live in a world where the struggle for profit trumps most other options. In our economic system, whoever gets to market quickest and cheapest wins the game. Governments and corporations are struggling to gain as much as possible, as cheaply as possible. There are few values in the marketplace other than the profit which all players understand.

So our energy options and energy futures are not being driven by concern for the health and well being of any of the citizens of the world. Our world is spinning out of control wobbling ever more to a topsy-turvy condition. Be it wars over energy resources, climate destruction, aberrant virus, water depletion and contamination or water wars, our national and world economies are driving us to disaster.

Like it or not, our path out of these armageddons is through global communication, cooperation and coordination. These are the values that must replace the quest for the most dollars. Our world has shrunk and the impacts and influences across all these crisis areas extend to all humans and all planetary systems. Nationalism is a dead end street. Unrestrained capitalism is a dead end street. The sooner we as a race recognize this very basic conflict of interests that appears to rule our world, the brighter and more intact we will come out the other side.

And as far as energy is concerned, I have learned clearly and firsthand how contrived the situation really is. For the past 20 years I have lived and run a business on solar power. I live in an area with moderate solar potential and derive about 90% of that energy from the sun. I am not hooked up to an electric grid. The system is very basic with most components lasting decades. I have not paid an electric bill during this period of time, and during operations I produce practically no environmental contamination. This is easy to accomplish. Imagine if $100 billion that it might cost to develop a new energy field were directed in this direction. Unfortunately (fortunately?) there is little profit to energy producers from my operations after installing this system. Not much incentive. So it is incumbent upon each of us, to communicate, cooperate and coordinate with our fellow humans, tighten our belts and build the future on vision not profit.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One World--- united by WalMart

One World. A world with no choice. One World united by the movement of dollars... from low to high.     From Chapter 7

Mr. One is coming! Mr. One is coming! All prepare for Mr. One!

One man. One business as Seller. Get too big and Mr. One steps up to the bat. How can you compete with Mr. One? And how long can you stay nose to the grindstone with Mr. One across the street?

Most everyone works for Mr. One. And those who don’t either don’t work or they work for someone who sells to Mr. One. Sure, Mr. One loves small show-lows who make stuff for him. But don’t get too profitable! Mr. One will buy you out. Because if there is profit to be made Mr. One is compelled... no, he is forced to follow that money.

For don’t the paperheads want their share of the pie? And the counters? And the interlocutors? And the toll keepers? And if Mr. One did not step up and perform the acquisition then heads would roll, for the money found had not been brought home.

And the highrollers slurp up the pie, and the midrollers watch the highrollers with envy and enjoy their bits, which they clutch while sidestepping the lowrollers and norollers. And the lowrollers push and grunt while the norollers scurry about in a symphony of high thought, low thought and conspiracy.

Oh, the prices are so low. All the fuzz is removed. One super-efficient, lightning-fast widebrain orchestrating the show. A widebrain pulsing with selling and buying, feeling and touching everywhere at once, moving at the speed of light. A widebrain looking at the past, present and future simultaneously. A widebrain looking at itself and its own operations... continually monitoring and adjusting for statistical changes.

Mr. One knows more about people than anyone. Accounts, numbers, patterns, styles, sicknesses, friends, whereabouts, loves. That is, if Mr. One focused on an individual Mr. One would know. But what Mr. One loves is knowing those things... statistically speaking... about everyone to assure a continuous flow of dollars back to Mr. One.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Water is US.

In many ways water is like oil has been. When it is cheap and appears limitless we guzzle it down and don't place much thought or value on alternatives. So with water. But water is much more important to us than oil... as we and all life on the planet depend upon it and are composed of it.

Philosophically, devaluing water is devaluing ourselves. Our bodies are approximately 75% composed of water. Considering our water relationship and the current state of water affairs around the world, it becomes clear that the management of water may soon be the single largest social and economic issue over the coming centuries.

Water footprints provide an effective means to understand our water use. However they are only one part of the process. Not only is it important how much water is used, but it is perhaps more important how the water is changed in the process of using it. Using water and returning it to the natural systems clear and clean does little harm.

Once again considering the situation and circumstances, it is clear that water rationing is inevitable. The problem, as has been illustrated in these MJ water articles, is in the economics. As in many other resource-related aspects of our lives, we visualize numerous good working alternatives, but the implementations are heavily compromised by economic interests.

Raising our appreciation, understanding, and valuing of water is KEY to the future of humanity. We need to create a blueprint for keeping our water pure and clean while producing the products and services that we all need. We need to analyze both water usage and water contamination in the creation, production and consumption of our goods and services. And in addition to our water and carbon footprints, we need complete environmental footprints for all our activities.

Though we appear separate and segmented around the globe, issues like water unite all people. Water crosses all boundaries... between nations, between people and between all plants and animals. Water management is a global issue which requires a global solution. This is not the realm of economics, nor economically-obsessed governments. The sooner we as race (and residents of California) appreciate these basic facts and build global water coalitions based upon pure water and NOT upon economics, the better the future looks for humankind.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nuclear World

Without total nuclear disarmament, it is only a matter of time before nuclear war breaks out. As long as there are arsenals, as long as there are stockpiles, they will be centers of concern and targets of enemies. Nuclear weapons are capable of destroying all we know and love. As long as we are the flawed creature that we are, we will never be able to fully control them and insure that they are never used.

Assuming that a future with no nuclear weapons can never happen, immediately defeats the possibility. However taking the long view, if humanity is to survive, we must find ways to reach global disarmament. The longer we postpone, the harder it will be to realize a non-nuclear world. Being the largest producer of nuclear weapons with the most warheads and the only user, it is incumbent upon the U.S. to begin this process. This can only occur with strong leadership committed to global cooperation and dedicated to nuclear weapon reduction. It is only when the nuclear leaders begin disarmament, that their desire and actions to limit weapons by other nations will have any standing, garner any respect, or achieve any results.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yeah, the Cheneys are alike. Convince yourself that you are right and assert this to others. Then continually backpedal in the face of anything contrary to your assumptions. Now the serious heat is on Cheney et al. to backpedal themselves out of impending prosecution and jail. And if that is the case... (in the U.S. or elsewhere), does that shadow Liz for aiding and abetting?

Where does justice start and stop? The point is that in many things we all are guilty in some ways for failure to act what we believe is right. That is why setting limits for public acceptance of such behavior is so important. That is why the arrogant, openly defiant perpetrators must be brought to justice... because humanity is on trial.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Its in the money, honey.

Pharmaceutical drugs are us!

They are in our water. They are in our rivers, streams and lakes. They are in us.


Because the industries that use or manufacture these drugs release 'small' quantities into the environment. But small quantities all over the place become large quantities.

We are water. Our bodies consist of around 75% water. This water is contaminated. We are contaminated. And it continues...


Because of money. Because our government and our policies allow this to happen. Because of the money related to the industries that produce and release the contaminants. Because our economic system practically overlooks the ways and means required to get products to market. Because we put off the effects of our money making to future generations. Because we mortgage our future and the future of our children to the profits of today.

We could establish a zero tolerance policy, and only allow industries to continue that do not pollute. But we don't because the dollar trumps all (except perhaps the euro and yuan --- but that is my point). Money trumps all. So we are destined to live as a chemical soup for the profits that go to the wealthy and powerful. For the stockholders that demand their payback on investment. For the corporate elite that benefit from the bottom line.

The bottom line is that we suffer so that money can be made. Because we are all confused and weak enough to not demand a clean environment and a clean life but instead trade dollars for minimum acceptable levels.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Purity in the Age of Chemicals

What is purity any more? How much have we allowed modern life to compromise the substance that we are? At what cost? Perchlorate, rocket fuel in baby food and water? And it is OK? Below the accepted limit.

We are water. We are composed of water. And now apparently rocket fuel as well? We love modern life, the comforts and amenities. Can we have these things without changing our chemistry to accept rocket fuel?

I think we can. Everything comes down to a matter of priorities. What do you tax? What do you support? How much crap is allowed beyond the industrial filters? These are questions that we can answer. Theses are problems that are within our reach to solve. A matter of priorities. Take the almighty $$$ from the altar within our lives and do not compromise our basic principles. Pretty easy to say. Try it sometime.

Who can you respect
What can you expect
From the next moment in your life?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

As they say... Violence Begets Violence

Trying to change the world and force your will on others by violence leads to more violence. Whether done in the name of State or Religion or personal triumph, the world becomes a more violent place. Our roots as humans are steeped in violence. Our history as humans is steeped in violence. If we survive as a race we will learn to change this behavior. Developing creeds and courts changes the structures and organizations within which we live. Changing our thoughts and ideas and the range of our responses changes humanity. It is a very slow and necessary process to lift us from the world of violence from which we arose.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bush basking in the Sun or crimes against humanity?

Bush and his cronies have made the world a much worse place since he arrived. There is more hate and more violence, more economic distress, more environmental distress, and more resources concentrated in the hands of a few.

He is definitely an idiot (witness his legacy of ridiculous statements), but an idiot following an arrogant, selfish and sinister plan that was well designed and well executed by the people around him. They flaunted accepted international agreements and treaties and weakened the power of a unified global community. It is time for international court to begin processing charges of crimes against humanity indicting Bush and his culpable administration. To think of him basking in the sun on his ranch, enjoying the pleasantries of a celebrity, with the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands at the expense of the public sickens me.

I believe that if he and his culpable administrators received justice in international court, this type of abuse of power would be less likely to occur again. It is now our Global responsibility to illuminate and seek justice for these crimes… our responsibility to those involved, and our legacy to future generations.