Saturday, September 26, 2009

Water for Kids

Very sad that we treat our children with such disrespect. We create and use items and materials with toxic qualities. We spew our wastes all around us. Alternatives exist but they are not 'economically' feasible. Our choices are shaped by paths of profit.

As the article reports:

An Associated Press investigation found that contaminants have surfaced at public and private schools in all 50 states — in small towns and inner cities alike.

Experts and children's advocates complain that responsibility for drinking water is spread among too many local, state and federal agencies, and that risks are going unreported. Finding a solution, they say, would require a costly new national strategy for monitoring water in schools.

"There is just no excuse for this. Period," said California Sen. Barbara Boxer, Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. "We want to make sure that we fix this problem in a way that it will never happen again, and we can ensure parents that their children will be safe."

The problem is everywhere. It will only get worse as more of the residuals from the profit driven sputum make their way into our shared time and globe spanning water systems. The solution is global coordination with policy and action... coordination that insures a clean healthy world for our progeny rather than marketplace wealth... coordination where water trumps profits. That is how you guarantee that this will not happen again, Senator Boxer.

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