Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One World--- united by WalMart

One World. A world with no choice. One World united by the movement of dollars... from low to high.     From Chapter 7

Mr. One is coming! Mr. One is coming! All prepare for Mr. One!

One man. One business as Seller. Get too big and Mr. One steps up to the bat. How can you compete with Mr. One? And how long can you stay nose to the grindstone with Mr. One across the street?

Most everyone works for Mr. One. And those who don’t either don’t work or they work for someone who sells to Mr. One. Sure, Mr. One loves small show-lows who make stuff for him. But don’t get too profitable! Mr. One will buy you out. Because if there is profit to be made Mr. One is compelled... no, he is forced to follow that money.

For don’t the paperheads want their share of the pie? And the counters? And the interlocutors? And the toll keepers? And if Mr. One did not step up and perform the acquisition then heads would roll, for the money found had not been brought home.

And the highrollers slurp up the pie, and the midrollers watch the highrollers with envy and enjoy their bits, which they clutch while sidestepping the lowrollers and norollers. And the lowrollers push and grunt while the norollers scurry about in a symphony of high thought, low thought and conspiracy.

Oh, the prices are so low. All the fuzz is removed. One super-efficient, lightning-fast widebrain orchestrating the show. A widebrain pulsing with selling and buying, feeling and touching everywhere at once, moving at the speed of light. A widebrain looking at the past, present and future simultaneously. A widebrain looking at itself and its own operations... continually monitoring and adjusting for statistical changes.

Mr. One knows more about people than anyone. Accounts, numbers, patterns, styles, sicknesses, friends, whereabouts, loves. That is, if Mr. One focused on an individual Mr. One would know. But what Mr. One loves is knowing those things... statistically speaking... about everyone to assure a continuous flow of dollars back to Mr. One.

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