Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Continuing Harrassment of Indigenous People

This is a very sad recurring story of international politics destroying indigenous people. It is high time for the State nations of our planet to recognize the importance of global resources, affairs and problems. We are linked together in so many ways, but the attitudes and practices of the NationStates force irrelevant differences upon us. The Mohawks of Akwesasne attempt to live in independence across political divides --- in violation of the tenets of the NationStates. They discuss and respond to environmental and political activities across those divides and advocate for others to do so as well. Much honor and respect to them.

In the 21st century we are being forced into a global view of affairs. The world has become much more connected and much smaller. Our problems and their solutions cross political boundaries. In the process of realizing our world citizenship we come to respect and acknowledge the importance and power of indigenous people and culture that exist independently from the economics and politics of the NationStates… cultures that relate to Gaia through everyday practices of living… an art and ideal quite hidden in our global power structure.

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