Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Philosophy or Science

What can be said about the rising importance of science and the seemingly loss of validity of philosophy in the world today?...

With the rise of science as a guiding force of culture and society partially replacing some of the influence of religion, philosophy began to become an orphan. The increasing success of scientific research, practice and engineering began to place heavy strains on the foundations of philosophy. Part of the response to the dominance of science and scientific methods was analytic philosophy, which attempts to disassemble logic and experience into discrete verifiable parts. This was an attempt to ‘harden’ philosophy into a provable system and away from its speculative origins.

This has been one of the dominant themes of philosophy for the past century, brought about by the stress of competing with science. But recent comments indicate that the strengthening of philosophy by adopting a rationalist approach have not completely succeeded.

There are many other approaches to describing reality other than science. Science is incredibly strong and can do many things. But science is limited by the box defined by the outer reaches of its understanding. Phenomena beyond the capabilities of current science and scientific method cannot be explained, and the relationships of these phenomena to the events of our understanding are ignored or misinterpreted. There is no way around this. It is the nature of the system.

So science can only describe so much and beyond that is speculation. When we discuss phenomena and relationships beyond the limits of that comprehension we are speculating. We are speculating either as isolated individuals who can only experience the world in our own particular way, or as part of a connected experience of all people and things in the world. So our speculation is either completely individual or shared with the world around us.

Now believing in science and using it as the sole guide in interpreting reality is somewhat like taking a leap of faith to a divine, all-knowing, omnipotent creator. And that is where philosophy returns and may be a good place to start our questioning today. What unexplained and seemingly unrelated phenomena affect the experience of our existence? Are we connected and in what ways? And if we are connected what does that say about our ability to ‘know’ the world around us?

Science is definitely dominant in our times and the notion of a speculative discipline to minds embodied in rigorous method can easily be ridiculed. But beyond science, beyond our current enamorment with the works that we create the edges are all speculation. Love it and embrace it. It is all that we have.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Profits over People

Oil companies are in it for the money… the same as most every corporation. The U.S. government (as most governments in this century) is run by the desires of the large corporations. Power begets power. Politicians seek power and must deal with the powerful.

The company execs make massive dollars because they are in a position to profit immensely from the world economic and resource situation. This is not luck. This is not providence. This is because the government has organized its activities to support the will and profits of the multi-nationals.

We have pollution problems, climate problems, habitat destruction problems, war problems, economic problems, etc. because the focus of government has been to provide opportunities for money makers like these to reap enormous profits… rather than to plan and implement solutions to problems that benefit society.

Politicians, while seeking to assert themselves, wield power to the profit mongers of the world. ‘Government by and for the people’ is slipping away. The profits of the corporate executives are a direct result of the loss of power of the people. Each one of us has the power in the decisions within our lives to do what we consider ‘right’. No one needs the government or marketplace to tell us what this should be. Every action that we take today changes the future.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

We are watching you!

Yes this is an old story. But it is a recurring story. And we have just seen how the telecoms got off the hook (by senate vote) for the warrant-less wiretapping.

Most people who are watching what is going on in the world today probably already suspect this. Sure the government can say this is to fight terrorism, but the 'eyes' of the system can be directed toward any word/word phrase/originating or receiving email address with a few clicks at a computer terminal at NSA. And the database behind the system can match records on any email attributes. So there is no privacy at all.

Big Brother is NOW!!!!!

Speak out to retain your/our freedom. The only way to prevent complete shroud is for people dedicated to freedom and free speech speaking out and communicating with the world. When we don't exercise our rights we lose them (quickly).

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Personal Freedom


You have no business in my private life
You have no business within my four walls
You have only lies from which you espouse
That you’re protecting me from my own big bad self
But as I see it I have only me
I have only my life in its entirety.

There is no place in my home for your spies
It’s none of your business with whom I do lie
It’s none of your business about what I partake
It’s none of your business about that which I speak.

It’s only my business if I want to die
It’s only my business to express what is I
The worst that can happen to all that are free
Is for someone to force us to be otherly
I have only life
Of which I am sure
I don’t care about your afterworld more
I see what I do
And think what I think
As long as my actions do not conflict
With the health and well being of all that’s around
You have no business upon my grounds.

But every lone day that someone is pulled
From within their four walls and brought to the hold
That someone is forced to give up what is free
Because of your petty morality
That keeps us indentured or even as slaves
To the high holy ground that you so do crave
From the thin frail pages of some old dusty book
You lie and you steal like too common a crook
But someone you force to bend and to fold
Will one day rise up and release your sick hold.
